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Fantastic Coffee Drinks Around The World (Part 1)

Fantastic Coffee Drinks Around The World (Part 1)

Are you confident that you are a coffee connoisseur? So let’s test your coffee knowledge and what is your favorite coffee drinks in the article below!


There’s nothing better than a bitter, rich espresso shot with a layer of foamy crema. Espresso is an Italian way of making coffee in highly concentrated shots. A single espresso shot is 1 ounce, and a double shot is 2 ounces. Espresso can be sipped in small cups, or used as the base for popular espresso drinks.

Espresso là gì và những yếu tố ảnh hưởng tới chất lượng của nó


An Americano is an espresso drink made with hot water and espresso. The drink can be made with either one or two shots of espresso, and varying ratios of water (usually 2:1). This is our favorite way to drink espresso because it makes the drinking experience last a little longer, and it smooths the bitter flavor into something altogether new.

Giới thiệu về Cà phê Americano


The Cappuccino is one of the most famous of all coffee drinks, with that perfect combination of steamed milk, espresso and frothy foam (⅓ each). Guess what? You can make a barista-quality cappuccino at home that tastes like it’s straight out of an Italian café.

Cappuccino Là Gì? Tìm Hiểu Về Loại Café Làm Say Cả Thế Giới


What’s a more iconic coffee drink than the Latte? A latte is a coffee drink with espresso, steamed milk and a layer of foam on top. It has ⅓ espresso and 2/3 steamed milk, with a thin layer of foam on top.

Nguồn gốc và lịch sử cà phê Latte - Quán cà phê ở sài gòn

Flat White 

The Flat White is another coffee drink with espresso, steamed milk and a layer of foam on top! It’s similar to a latte and cappuccino, but has a thinner layer of foam on top. Modern coffee shops have very small differences between these three coffee drinks, and oftentimes the lines are blurred. 

Fun facts about the flat white | Jetstar

Currently, there are many busy people who do not have access to coffee outside the store and canned coffee is produced to address consumer demand. If you want to develop convenient canned coffee but still retain its original taste, contact WANA Beverage to produce your own brands. We are a beverage manufacturer with many years of experience and thousands of global partners, advanced production lines and professional staff will bring you great coffee products.

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